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Library Services

Library Services

Philosophy of Service

The Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) Library serves a diverse community of users. The Library's administration, faculty and staff respect that diversity. Our users are defined as "any individual seeking information or a productive environment for study or research."

We affirm that all of our users are individuals who should be treated with courtesy and respect. We believe that all users are entitled to:

  • access library materials in all formats.
  • appropriate and knowledgeable assistance from the library faculty and staff.
  • a library environment free of disruptive activity.


Students and Employees


Library User Categories


The students, faculty and staff of the Maricopa County Community Colleges (MCCCD) may have full borrower privileges. Residents of Maricopa County who are 18 years or older may request community borrower privilege.

In order to borrow materials from the library, a library user must present a valid MCCCD photo ID, government issued photo ID, AZ Mobile ID app, high school photo ID or credit card photo ID.

EMCC ID cards serve as Library cards. Students, faculty and staff of Estrella Mountain Community College may obtain an EMCC ID card by visiting the Welcome Desk at the Komatke Enrollment Center. Information about the steps to acquire a student ID card can be found here.

Faculty, staff and students from other Maricopa Community Colleges may check out library materials as long as they are already in the library user database and have no fines or delinquencies on their account. EMCC faculty, staff and students may check out books from other MCCCD libraries by presenting their EMCC ID card at those libraries. In all cases, the library user must abide by the guidelines and procedures of the lending institution.


Community Borrowers

Get an MEID

Residents of Maricopa County who are 18 years or older may register as community borrowers. Please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Komatke Enrollment Center for in-person assistance to obtain an MEID (Maricopa Enterprise ID).
  2. Once you have obtained your MEID, please visit the Estrella Mountain Library Desk for circulation assistance.

* You will also need a valid picture ID

Once library users are no longer enrolled as students at a MCCCD, their status changes to community borrower.


Responsibilities of Library Users


Students must notify Student Services in Komatke Enrollment Center of any address and telephone number changes. Staff, faculty and community borrowers must notify the Library of any changes.

Borrowers are responsible for all borrowed materials. Library cards and borrowed materials should never be loaned to others.

It is the borrowers' responsibility to keep track of library materials borrowed.

Overdue notices are sent only as a courtesy reminder. Failure to receive notices does not absolve borrowers of their responsibilities.

Materials must be returned to the Library in the same physical condition as when they were checked out.


Children under 18

According to Maricopa Administrative Regulation 2.4.10, children (younger than 18) will not be allowed on campus unless participating in an authorized college program or under the supervision of an adult. Children under adult supervision are permitted in the Library provided that their behavior is appropriate for an academic library, but please be aware that the Library selects its materials for a college-age audience.


Collection Development Guidelines

Please refer to Collection Development Guidelines.



The goal of the Library's material circulation guidelines is to give our college community first priority access to all materials and services and to provide resources to support the information needs of the local community. EMCC ID cards serve as library cards. Any person with a valid MCCCD ID card from any Maricopa Community College may borrow materials from the Library. A valid MCCCD ID card, photo ID, or AZ Mobile ID app must be presented for any circulation transaction.




Requests for holds can be made if the item is not available at the time of the initial request. Holds may be requested at the Library Information Desk or can be done by the library user through Primo. Placing a hold on an item is the equivalent of being placed on the waiting list for that item. A limit of 5 hold requests may be pending at one time.


Library use items


Reference items, periodicals and some reserve items are for use in the library only.


Reserve Material


Refer to the Reserve Materials section of this page for information on the overdue fine rates for reserve materials.

Materials placed on reserve in the Library are those items identified by faculty for use by their students. These items are placed on reserve following the circulation guidelines requested by the faculty member who places the material on reserve. Checkout periods for items on reserve will vary as they are designated by the faculty placing the item on reserve.

Reserve items are not eligible for renewal and must be returned by their due dates and times.

Fines will be charged on reserve items that are returned late. In-house items are due three hours after they are checked out. Overdue reserves that check out for three hours incur fines at the rate of 50¢ per hour. Overdue reserve items that checkout for longer than three hours incur fines at the rate of $2.50 per day.

In-house items that are seven days overdue and other reserve items that are thirty days overdue become non-returnable with their replacement cost posted to the student account.

Library fines are posted directly to student accounts within 48 hours and may be paid online at the Student Center, by phone at 623-935-8888 or on-campus at Student Business Services.


Loan Periods


Loan periods and requirements are dependent upon the library user's status. The normal circulation periods appear on the district libraries Borrowing Guides website.


Item Limits


Students, faculty and staff may borrow up to 20 items at a time. Within those 20 items, a maximum of 5 of those items may be media items.

Community borrowers are limited to borrowing books and may borrow up to 10 books at a time.




Reserve items are not eligible for renewal. For other items, one renewal is allowed unless a hold request has been placed on the item.


Lost and Damaged Non-Reserve Items


Per the tuition and fee schedule set by the Governing Board of MCCCD, borrowers are responsible for the list price of lost items. Books 28 days overdue and non-books 14 days overdue will be considered lost. Damaged items will be treated as lost.

The Information Resources Chair or designee may waive the cost of non-reserve items which are returned in good condition within 90 days of the due date.

Once the replacement cost has been paid, no refunds will be granted after 90 days. The Information Resources Chair or designee will determine if a refund is to be granted. Items cannot be returned after they reach lost status.


Lost and Damaged Reserve Items


Per the tuition and fee schedule set by the Governing Board of the MCCCD, borrowers are responsible for the list price of lost items. Reserve items 2 days overdue will be considered lost. Damaged items will be treated as lost.

If reserve materials are not returned within 7 days of the due date, the cost of the lost items will be required to be paid, whether returned or not.

Overdue reserve items also accrue late fines. Please refer to the Reserve Materials section of this document for details.


Debt Payment


Debts are posted in SIS within 48 hours for MCCCD students and community borrowers. Payment may be made using cash, check, or credit card at the Student Business Services at the Komatke Enrollment Center or may be paid online through the student portal.


Confidentiality of Borrower Records

Borrower records are protected by the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) and Arizona State Revised Statute (ASRS) 41-151.22, which provide for the privacy of educational records and library user records.

ASRS 41-151.22 states:

A. Except as provided in subsection B, a library or library system supported by public monies shall not allow disclosure of any record or information which identifies a user of library services as requesting or obtaining specific materials or services or as otherwise using the library.

B. Records may be disclosed:

  1. If necessary for the reasonable operations of the library.
  2. On written consent of the user.
  3. On receipt of a court order.
  4. If required by law.

The Library's general practice is to protect the library user's right to privacy. It is the Library's practice to maintain the confidentiality of borrowers' records. An exception to this rule exists for delinquent reserve materials. Reserve materials are assigned for use by a specific group of users in a limited time frame. If reserve items are overdue, the Library may be required to invoke ASRS 41-151.22 B.1 to disclose borrower information to the faculty member who placed the items on reserve, to enlist the faculty member's assistance in recovering the items more quickly. This is not a confidentiality issue, as there is an expectation that all members of the class will use the materials in question.

To protect the confidentiality of borrower records and to conform with MCCCD, state and federal legal requirements to privacy, the Library will not release borrower records to third-parties other than the borrower. In this context, third-parties include but are not limited to parents, guardians, spouses and domestic partners.

The Library guideline regarding confidentiality of library records is designed to be consistent with this law and the "Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records" as put forth by the Council of the American Library Association.

Violation of this law constitutes a class 3 misdemeanor.



Nearly every form of tangible expression (books, drawings, software, etc.) is subject to some sort of copyright protection. MCCCD Administrative Regulation 3.2 discusses copyright and offers legal and District-wide guidelines on copyright protection.


Disabled Library User Services

In support of disabled students, staff and faculty, the Library is committed to providing services to meet their needs. The Library faculty and staff shall make a reasonable effort to provide assistance to disabled students as needed to ensure equal access to the Library's resources and services. Reasonable accommodations are to be made for library users with disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis. It is, however, incumbent upon the individual to seek assistance and make his/her needs known. Assistance using any of the Library's facilities, research assistance and retrieval of materials from stacks, shelves, files, etc. by library staff will be provided upon request. Help of this type is available at all times that the Library is open.


Emergencies and Disturbances




The emergency exits are clearly marked. In case of a fire alarm, please evacuate the building immediately using the nearest exit. All emergency exits are equipped with automatic alarms which will sound when the door is opened.


Medical Emergencies


In case of an emergency, call 911. Library staff can contact College Police to assist with accidents, emergencies and disturbances within the building.




Report incident (i.e. theft, sexual harassment, vandalism, etc.) to the nearest service desk. Staff at any service desk can contact College Police personnel when needed.


Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms can be scheduled online here.


Intra-District Loan (IDL)/Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

The Library accesses resources available on local, regional and national levels to obtain materials for students and faculty. Any current student, faculty or staff member of EMCC will be entitled to IDL/ILL services unless the person has had borrowing privileges suspended. IDL/ILL requests will not be processed for items the Library already owns unless the item is missing.


Intra-District Loan (IDL)


Intra-District Loans (IDL) involve obtaining library materials from other MCCCD Libraries. Guidelines for IDLs are covered in the MCCCD Resource Sharing Guidelines.

Requests for books listed in the online catalog that are located at campuses other than EMCC may be requested online by either the library user or a staff member. Upon initiating the request the screen will prompt the library user for his/her MEID and password.

There is a limit of 5 requests per library user at one time. Assuming the book is available, delivery usually takes between three and five business days. If the book is checked out, the request goes on a waiting list and will take effect when the book is returned. Requests are valid for 30 days, however, a staff member may extend the expiration date if needed. Materials may be picked up at the Library Information desk. If not picked up, items will be returned to the lending library after 10 days.

Some materials are not available through IDL. Consult with the ILL staff person or a librarian if you need to use materials that the owning library has listed as non-request on the system.

Requests for copies of articles must be submitted electronically through the Interlibrary Loan Request Form on the Library website. Please use one form for each item you are requesting and provide as much information as possible.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL)


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) refers to borrowing materials (books and articles) from libraries outside of the MCCCD.

To use the Interlibrary Loan services, you must be a currently enrolled student, staff, or faculty member.

ILL requests for physical materials that are accepted will take at least 2-5 weeks to arrive and are held behind the EMCC Library desk.

Accepted article requests will take at least 1-2 weeks to arrive and will be delivered electronically to your student/work email.

Acceptance of a request depends upon the accuracy of information given in the ILL form and the availability/rules of the lending libraries.

Requests will be on the hold shelf for 10 days, if not collected within 10 days, the item will be returned to the lending library.

Book requests are subject to any restrictions imposed by the lending library, including the due date. This service is free; however please note any damage to or failure to return physical items will lead to a fine decided by the lending library.

To submit a request for materials through ILL, complete the Interlibrary Loan Request Form.


General IDL/ILL Guidelines


Library users have the responsibility of keeping themselves informed of the status of their requests.

Any requests for renewal of ILL material should be made prior to the date due. This must be done in person. The lending library may or may not grant the request.

If the item is lost, the library user is responsible for the replacement cost of the book.

IDL/ILL service is not offered for Community Borrowers. ILL requests for community borrowers should be made through their local public library.


Periodical Use

The Library subscribes to physical magazines, journals and newspapers. Magazines, journals, and newspapers are not available for checkout. If you need to save an article for future use, a scanner is available. Articles from periodicals not available at EMCC may be available in online databases or can be requested through Interlibrary Loan Services.


Personal Belongings

Personal belongings should not be left unattended.



Refer to the EMCC Computer Commons for printing guidelines.


Library Conduct

The Learning Centers including the Library, Computer Commons and Academic Success/Tutoring are shared areas for study, research, learning assistance and computer use. Please treat staff and fellow users with respect and courtesy. Ensuring a pleasant and productive environment for all users requires that each user of the facility follow these guidelines:

  • Student academic work takes precedence over all other use of these facilities.
  • As a courtesy to others, please turn cell phones off or to vibrate. If you receive or place a call, please step away from the Library area to complete your call.
  • Study rooms are available through the Computer Commons. They can be reserved online here.
  • No animals are allowed except service animals.
  • Water in covered containers is allowed. All other food or drink must be enjoyed in the vending machine area, the patio or the white tables immediately adjacent to the patio.
  • Disruptive behavior or behavior that can be interpreted as creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment will not be tolerated.
  • When listening to audio, please use headphones and keep the volume at a moderate level at which others cannot hear it.
  • Please do not sit on tables or put feet on furniture.
  • Users with children are welcome, but children may not be left unattended. Children are expected to behave in a quiet, orderly manner. Disruptive behavior can result in children and accompanying adults being asked to leave.
  • Mutilating college owned printed materials by marking, underlining or removing pages or portions of a page is not allowed.
  • Copyright law of the United State (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of copies of copyrighted materials. Any person copying such material is liable for any infringement.



Anyone who fails to comply with the Code of Conduct may be referred to appropriate College personnel. Anyone who violates the Code is subject to removal from the building, restriction of privileges or other appropriate actions as outlined in the Maricopa Code of conduct.


Complaint Resolution Process

If you feel you have been treated unfairly or unjustly, please refer to the Non-Instructional Complaint Resolution Process for the steps to file a formal complaint.