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Disability Studies

This guide will assist with research information related to Disability Studies

Special Note

Disabilities Studies touches upon and intersects a multitude of disciplines. In order to conduct an exhaustive search for information, a researcher will be required to utilize a wide range of databases and format types. Below is a short list of suggested places to begin your research. 

If you are stuck or unsure where to begin, please visit or call the Library Desk in Estrella Hall.


* If you are searching for a specific journal title, please search Journal Finder.  This tool allows users to find out if the library subscribes to a specific online journal. -


Suggested E-Book Databases


Ebook Central :  Over 100,000+ searchable academic ebooks that covers multiple disciplines

EBSCOhost Ebooks : Allows users to view the full text of ebooks through EBSCO. 

Gale Ebooks : Provides access to popular gale specialized encyclopedias and resources in arts, biography, business, education, enviornment studies,  history, science social, science and more.

CREDO Reference : A Reference e-book database (dictionaries, encyclopedias, subject specific reference books, etc.) that provides thousands of book entries for background research.


Suggest Journal Databases


JSTOR : Provides access to scholarly journal articles in a variety of subjects dating back to the year of first publication for each journal. Includes historical pamphlets and a separate image search feature.

Academic OneFile : This comprehensive resource covers the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine  engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects.

EBSCOhost articles : Provides access and search capabilities to multiple databases available from EBSCOhost. Full-text articles, citations, and media.

ScienceDirect:  Provides access to life and health science peer-reviewed (scholarly) full text articles.


* If you are searching for a specific journal title, please search Journal Finder.  This tool allows users to find out if the library subscribes to a specific online journal. -

Film Databases


Films on Demand : A digital film/video database curated with academic films for the purpose of supporting academic study. 

PBS Film: Streaming Access to over 400 core films from PBS.