Through the library, you have access to many article databases. Articles will be important for locating scholarly information for your honors projects. All the library databases can viewed here.
The library databases listed below contain both popular and scholarly articles and are a good starting place for your research. To view the difference between these types of articles, view the chart about the Differences Between Magazines, Newspapers and Journals.
This database contains full-text articles on a variety of subjects and disciplines.
Search Tip: On the beginning search page, always select the "Full Text" box and if you want to view only Scholarly articles, also select the "Peer Reviewed" box.
You may need to login with your MEID and Password in order to access these resources off-campus
Searching EBSCOhost from EMCC on Vimeo.
Articles on current and controversial issues sourced from academic journals, magazines, newspapers and more
Topic pages range from Artificial Intelligence and Social Media to Green Building and Space Exploration
You may need to login with your MEID and Password in order to access these resources off-campus
Opposing Viewpoints from EMCC on Vimeo.
Search Tip: Utilize the filters in the column on the left side of the page to narrow down results
You may need to login with your MEID and Password in order to access these resources off-campus
Using ONE Search from EMCC on Vimeo.